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A Notification allows to send an email to actors when an action is performed on Memority Portal.

There is different notification objects to configure notifications in Memority :


A Notification can be sent by:

  • a Business Policy: when creating, patching or deleting an Object.

  • a Password Policy: when a new password is created, when a password is updated...

  • an Object Policy: when creating, patching or deleting an Object.

  • a Manual Provisioning Policy: when a Workflow is cancelled if another is launched.

  • a Workflow: when the actor approved, rejected, cancelled... an user task (on Role Assignment and on Object).

  • a Feature : when a feature is executed.

Notification Actors

Multiple Notifications can be sent by Memority Portal at different times to different actors.

An actor is identified by its role, which is determined by the context at the time of the send Notification.

The different actors are:

  • subject: the identity that is authenticated when sending the Notification. May not be the requester (for example: the BUM service may authenticate on the IDM to perform an operation on behalf of an actual person).

  • requester: the original subject which is responsible for the Notification event.

  • identity: the identity that is the target of an operation that triggers the Notification.

  • system: the system user, which is a service local "user" representation present for technical needs. It is always available in the Notification event.

Limits of recipients

Memority limits the max recipients of a email notification to 50. If a email is sended with more than 50 recipients, email is send to nobody.

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