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2024.04.09 - My-Identity


This release improves no-code configuration for administrators and new storage persistence for end user preferences

New features & updates

Enhanced user interfaces

Introducing new configuration screens for Reporting Configuration.

Ability to export an scoped search

For search widgets, we have taken into account the search scope for export. So, if there's a search scope, exported results will be filtered, and if there's no scope, all results will be exported.

End-user preferences storage

The storage of end-user preferences, including skipped User Login Task, info panels state, and dismissed messages of the day, has transitioned from browser localStorage to server-side storage.

All existing preferences will be automatically migrated, and we anticipate no disruptions for users. However, please take note of the following:

  • User Login Task: Users who previously skipped tasks may notice them reappearing.

  • InfoPanel: All InfoPanels will reset to their default "unfolded" state after the first interaction following the update.

  • Message Of The Day: Users who previously dismissed MOTD may see these messages reappear.


  • Security Enhancement: Access to endpoint "*/bum/user-preferences" should be now strictly limited to 'usr' and 'adm' services.
    This measure is part of our ongoing commitment to safeguard user data and enhance system security.

  • Others technical and security upgrades.

Breaking changes

End of legacy browsers support

We have ceased support for legacy browsers. Both the user and admin portals now mandate the use of EcmaScript6-compatible browsers, such as Chrome 51, Firefox 38, Opera 38, and Safari 11 or newer.
Using a non ES6 compatible browser will result in a runtime error at startup.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.