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2024.04.29 - My-Identity


Our new account discovery service enables the detection and reconciliation of accounts found in remote services, with a simple interface to manage them.

New features & updates

Enhanced user interfaces

Introducing new configuration screens for Role Request Policies

Orphan Accounts Management

The Memority synchronization service has been enhanced to enable the discovery of accounts in remote services. It now provides mechanisms to take various actions on these accounts based on their statuses. This includes synchronizing the remote account with the corresponding IDM object, ignoring certain accounts, deleting them, assigning missing role(s) to identities, or executing custom actions. These management options are configurable within the application and are accessible through a reporting widget, which allows users to visualize the account collection and perform these actions. Read moreā€¦


  • Enhancement on usage of attributes display conditions to have a better refresh of display in case of multiple conditions in a same feature.

  • During the loading of public features, the Memority loading spinner will now be displayed.

  • In the audit, failing to fill in one of the boundaries of the calendar slot no longer results in a technical error. Instead, an explicit message is now displayed to guide the user.

  • Other technical and security upgrades.

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