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This page details the different types of actors that can be involved in a workflow.




A Candidate accesses the user task (depends on the scope).
He can assign himself the user task to perform actions on it (in this case, the candidate becomes an Assignee).

The maximum number of candidates is configurable by configuring the setting "citadel.bum.workflow.user.task.limit.number.candidates".

To define a user as a candidate, add them to the candidate part of the workflow.

If a task has explicitly only one actor, configure an Assignee rather than a Candidate.


Secondary candidate



A Secondary candidate accesses the user task (depends on the scope).
He can assign himself the user task to perform actions on it (in this case, the candidate becomes an Assignee).

The maximum number of candidates is configurable by configuring the setting "citadel.bum.workflow.user.task.limit.number.secondaryCandidates".

To define a user as a candidate, add them to the secondary candidate part of the workflow.

If a task has explicitly only one actor, configure an Assignee rather than a Secondary candidate.





An Administrator can manage the Workflow at any time (to cancel it, approve it, delegate it, etc...).
He has a dedicated section in the dashboard.

The maximum number of administrators is configurable by configuring the setting "citadel.bum.workflow.user.task.limit.number.admins".





An Owner is a Candidate who delegates the user task to another Candidate.

When a task is delegated:

  • the delegated person becomes an Owner.

  • the person to whom the task is delegated becomes an Assignee.

The Owner must be unique (configuration in the Scope).

The Assignee is also used for claim/unclaim.




An Assignee is a Candidate who directly receives the assigned user task to perform actions on it.
A pin is displayed on the line of the concerned workflow.

The candidate(s) defined on this User task will have a padlock displayed next to the relevant workflow line.

The Assignee must be unique (configuration in the Scope).
If a task has explicitly only one actor, configure an Assignee rather than a Candidate.



Today, commenters can't perform actions on user tasks, so there's no value in defining a scope for this type of actor.

The maximum number of commenters is configurable by configuring the setting "citadel.bum.workflow.user.task.limit.number.commenters".

Read Next

  • Cancel a workflow by requester

    This page will explain how to configure the cancellation of a workflow by the requester and how it can be used in Memority portal.

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