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2024.03.18 - My-Identity


This release improve Workflows and some administration features. It also add some no-code configuration for administrators.

New features & updates

Enhanced user interfaces

Introducing new configuration screens for Role Re-certification.

Ability to manage fields within a role assignment

In line with functionalities and workflows, we've integrated field management within role requests. This enables the management of specific "technical" dimensions solely within the role request context. Read moreā€¦

Widget for confidentials settings

In the Memority Administration portal, we've enhanced the management of confidential settings necessary for specific configuration elements. Users can now input secret settings directly within the configuration interface.

Please note that this feature is currently exclusive to the Memority MFA Account Policy.

Provisionning : Improved management of GroupMembership in Active Directory when deleting a membership

From now on, deletions will be executed regardless of whether the addition originated from it.


  • Workflows : Improve workflow with hundred of approvers.

  • Others technical and security upgrades.

Breaking changes

Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported, due to its outdated technology and lack of compatibility with modern web standards. This decision ensures a better user experience and allows us to focus on supporting browsers that offer improved security, performance, and features.

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