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Theme customization is based on the definition of a set of reference colors that can be composed in a more detailed mapping for several of the page components (most notably the header and menu).

Theme Color can be configured as:

  • a straight CSS color, in hexadecimal format (e.g: #fda3b6)

  • a reference to one of the reference colors (e.g: @accent)

  • a SASS directive, that may include a reference color (e.g: darken(@accent, 10%))

Some predefined templates are available, but it is also possible to directly customize each proposed component.


You can access the Theme configuration :

  • by clicking on "Customization" â†’ “Theme”




Click on "Standard" or "New Portal (*Beta)" mode to choose which application you want to configure the portal theme on



Click on the dropdown list "Choose an existing template" if you want to reuse a theme template.

By clicking on "Preview" button, you can preview the choosing theme.


The admin portal theme configuration is divided into 3 expandable sections:

  • Common: For reference colors

  • Portal: For the theme of the IM part

  • Login Pages Portal: For the theme of the AM part

In "New Portal (*Beta)" mode, only 2 sections are available:

  • Common

  • Portal



If you choose to manually customize the portals, you can define the Reference Colors for the main themes (text, background...) by using straight CSS color method.


After, you can reuse the reference colors defined for each theme by using one of the three methods (straight CSS color, reference to one of reference colors or a SASS directive) by clicking on blue buttons of the right.


You can upload a logo and/or a secondary logo by clicking on "Drop Here" or by drag and drop.

A logo must be a GIF, PNG or JPEG image of no more than 50KB. It is possible to apply some SASS directive on the logo as well.

You can also define a logo style by using CSS styling that will be applied directly to the logo element, as a "style" attribute.

The main logo can be displayed on both the administration and user portals on the left side of the banner.

The secondary logo (if any) can be displayed on both the administration and user portals on the right side of the banner.


You can upload a favicon image by clicking on "Drop Here", or by drag and drop.


Just like the “Portal” part, you can also change the theme of the “Login Pages Portal” part.

It's the same principle. You can modify:

  • Theme colors

  • Logo

  • Secondary Logo (only displayed on the Legacy version of Login Pages)

  • Favicon

  • Background-Image (you can add a background image on Login Pages)

  • Global CSS



For "New Portal (*Beta)" mode, this configuration is used to configure the new Memority portal interface.

You can configure it in the same way as for "Standard" mode.

In the section:

  • Common: Reference colors

  • Portal: Theme colors, logo, secondary logo, favicon, global css customization

  • You do not have access to modify the theme of Login Pages

The preview also works for both modes: "Standard" and "New Portal (*Beta)"



Important :

Let's take an example:

If you are in "Standard" mode, and you make changes to the theme, but you don't save! Then you switch to “New portal (*Beta)” mode. If you return to "Standard" mode, your changes will not be taken into account, because you will not have saved your changes previously.

You must therefore save your modifications if you are sure of the choice of your theme. So, if you change mode without saving, you will find the previous modifications of the theme.

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