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Object Types


An Object Type allows to define the types of Object that will be managed in the Memority Portal application and used in Features, rules etc...
There are five types of Objects:

Before configuring an Object Type, it is recommended to configured Attributes.

By Default, When the Memority environment is created, we propose some standard attributes definition, that can be customized according to the needs. Therefore if the existing attributes definition are sufficient to configure the client's data model, it is not mandatory to create new ones.

There are specific built-in and meta Attributes for each Object Type. It is therefore not necessary to create these Attributes manually.


You can access the Object Types configuration :

  • by clicking on "Data Model" → The Object Type

  • by clicking on "System" → "Configurations" → "Data Model" and perform an import/export.

Mandatory properties

Property name





The unique identifier of an Object Type that will be reused in the configuration (Features etc...)



The Object Type name. It can be different from the identifier.



Defines how the identifier of the Object Type will be generated if no identifier has been provided. The rule can be implemented either by Random Identifier Generator or by Groovy Script.

Optional requirements

Property name



Values (default value in bold)



The purpose of the Object Type.




Defines how many times the generation of identifier can be done. It can be useful when the random identifier rule has been selected in order to give more chance to find non already existing ID for a new identity.

0, 1, 2, 3...



Use to validate the value of the Object Type and verify the integrity of the whole identity with their specifics constraints.

If this rule is not respected, the creation or the modification of the Object Type is rejected with an error message.


Associate an Attribute to an Object Type

Attribute Binding is the link between an Object Type and an Attribute Definition. For instance, given a type “employee” we can bind it the attribute “firstName”. This means that instances of employees will have an attribute called “firstName” as part of their definition.

It is mandatory to associate at least one Attribute to an Object Type.




Access the drop-down list.


Choose one or more Attributes.
Defines the properties of each selected Attributes.


Attribute binding can be configured with different modifiers such as:

  • Structural : attributes shared by objects having the same "entity_id" (siblings)

  • Qualifying: whether or not if the Attribute is systematically sent to external applications

  • Mandatory : when creating or updating an instance of the Object Type, it is mandatory to provide a value for this attribute

  • Filtering : the attribute value can be used when searching objects of this type

  • Excerpt : when asking for a short representation of the object

Details about each property is available in the following table :

Property name


Values (default value in bold)

Good to know


  • structural configurable Attributes, shared by objects having the same "entity_id", typically the first name or last name.

  • non-structural configurable Attributes, specific to a business activity, typically a login.

true, false

A structural Attribute is common to all siblings of an Object instance.


Indicates whether or not if the Attribute is systematically sent to external applications.

Qualifying value concern Attributes whose values will always be provided in AMQP domain events. Those Attributes are typically important either for the reporting or for correlation purposes in downstream consumers.

true, false

A qualifying Attribute will be part of the Object part of Json sent message.


Indicates whether or not the Attribute is mandatory for Managed Object instances of this Object Type.

true, false

A mandatory Attribute will be checked at creation/update of a managed Object instance.


Indicates whether or not the Attribute can be used when searching Managed Object instances of this Object Type.

true, false

Can be ticked only if the Attribute:

  • has a value type = "String"

  • the property "Search Criterion" must be set to ON

  • no configured choices rules.


An Attribute ticked "excerpt" will be systematically displayed in the pop-up of an Object Reference for the concerned Object Type.
It allows not to overload the configuration of the "popupAttributes" tag of an Object Reference type widget.

It can be used also to display an Object Reference as excerpt on result search (on a search/bulk Feature).

If an Attribute is checked as excerpt, this is valid for the whole application.

To display the exceprt, an i18n translation must be added: either with a key of this model (ui.model."objectType"."ui.model."objectType"."idofthetype".excerpt".excerpt), or directly in the translation part of an object type.

true, false

The Object Reference widget already includes kind, type, id, entity id, status and enabled.

Example: the lastName and country Attributes are checked excerpt.

resource (only for Role Type)

Allows to display Resource (computed) information in Role dashboard (by clicking on the "Action" button).

This Attribute must be :

  • reference to an Object

  • mono-valued

true, false

Only one Attribute can be checked as resource per Role Type.

Read next

  • Features

    Design screens and business features to manage objects.

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