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OATH Registration widget


The OATH registration widget is used to provision the shared secret key between an OTP generator (such as Google Authenticator) and the verification server (AM server). 

It is a standalone widget that requires a host feature of type "self" or an object feature where the object is the current subject.

Typically used in a UI_FOR_OBJECT feature of type "self".

The user is presented with a screen that invites him to proceed to a "One Time Password" registration. He can click the store links to obtain the recommended application (Google Authenticator, MS authenticator etc.).

Upon pressing on continue, a QR code is presented to the user, encoding the shared secret. The user must use his application (like Google Authenticator) to scan the QR code.

After registering the QR code, the user needs to provide a valid TOTP code in the field at the bottom using his application. If the code is correct the user will be informed that the registration is complete.




The widget has no mandatory properties.


<widget id="oath-registration-widget" xsi:type="ctdbum:OATHRegistrationWidgetType">


In order for the widget to correctly send the credentials, the Replay Gateway Provisioning service location and credentials must have been configured.

This configuration is done for each tenants by BUM settings:

Setting name





The base URL of the Replay Gateway Provisioning Service



The credentials for authenticating on the Replay Gateway Provisioning Service

Additional settings must be configured:

Note that the "issuer" and "label" field are used to display the account in the application (Google authenticator). They can use attributes (excerpt) of the user.

Feature Example

A full feature example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kit:DataSet xmlns:ctd="" xmlns:ctdbpmn="" xmlns:ctdbum="" xmlns:ctdcore="" xmlns:ctdidm="" xmlns:ctdrep="" xmlns:ctdrule="" xmlns:ctdtnt="" xmlns:kit="" xmlns:rule="" xmlns:ruleaddon="" xmlns:search="" xmlns:settings="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
   <ctdbum:FeatureConfiguration id="test_oath-registration">
      <description>Register user with OATH key</description>
      <scope type="EXPRESSION" objectKind="IDENTITY">
            <view id="oath-registration-view-1">
               <icon>fa fa-user</icon>
                  <section id="oath-registration-section-1">
                              <widget id="oath-registration-widget" xsi:type="ctdbum:OATHRegistrationWidgetType">

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