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Widgets are used (and are mandatory) in the configuration of Screen (in Features and in Workflow) to display/edit information about Attributes or manage Memority Portal functionalities. 

It is possible to configure Display Conditions on Widgets.

The id Attribute must be unique on Views, Sections and Widgets.
The id Attribute must be integrated on the Attribute Editor Widget and the Field Editor Widget, respectively.

Widget categories

We can split Widgets into three categories:

  • Attributes widgets

    • This type of Widgets allows to manage attributes in features in order to:

      • display information about attributes (image, text, date, number...) in READ mode

      • edit information about attributes (image, text, date, number...) in READ_WRITE mode.

      Each attribute has a basic configuration defined in the Attribute Editor Definition.

  • Binary Widget

    The Binary Edit Widget allows to configure the display/edit of a binary attribute.

  • Certificate Widget

    The Certificate Display Widget allows to configure the display of attributes with a binary type defining a certificate.

  • Radio Widget

    The Radio Edit Widget allows to configure the edit of a string type by configuring a list of values.

  • Object Reference Widget

    Types of Widgets that allow to configure the display/edit of attributes which are defined as Object Reference (Identity, Organization, Resource, Role, Role Publication types).

  • Standalone Text Widget

    The Standalone Text Display Widget allows to configure the display of text which is not linked to an attribute.

  • Toggle Widget

    The Toggle Edit Widget allows to configure the edit of attributes with a boolean type.

  • Select Widget

    The Select Edit Widget allows to configure the edit of a string type and a choice rule (not mandatory) attribute.

  • Boolean Widget

    The Boolean Widgets allows to configure the display (no edit mode) of boolean attributes.

  • Tags Widget

    The Tags Edit Widget allows to configure the edit of flags and reserved flags

  • Date Widget

    Widgets allowing to configure the display /edit dates (date, date & time) attribute.

  • Float Widget

    The Float Widgets allows to configure the display of decimal attributes.

  • Text Widget

    Widgets allowing to configure the display /edit of attributes with a string type.

  • Checkbox Widget

    The Checkbox Edit Widget allows to configure the display/edit of a string or a boolean attribute.

  • Image Widget

    The Image Widgets allows to configure the display/edit of Image attribute.

  • Rights Widget

    The Rights Widgets allows to configure the display/edit of rights attribute .

  • Search Widgets

    Allows to perform search on objects and to create a result table.

  • OTP Widgets

    Allows to enroll and manage OTP addresses

  • Button Widgets

    Allows to display button in order to redirect the user to another feature.

  • Federation Logs Widget

    The Federation Logs Widget allows to view logs related to a Federation.

  • Replay Gateway Credentials Widget

    Allows to provision application credentials to LDAP for the Replay Gateway

  • List Widget

    Allows to display a list of results (external or internal data).

  • Password Widgets

    Allows to manage password for Identities (generate a password according to several criteria, reset password).

  • Webauthn Widgets

    Allows to enroll and manage Webauthn devices.

  • MFA Widgets

    Allows to enroll and manage MFA devices.

  • Report Widgets

    Allows to display report information (audit or scheduled actions) on objects.

  • OTP Enrollment Widget

    Allows to enroll an OTP address

  • OATH Registration widget

    Allows to provision the shared secret key between an OTP generator (such as Google Authenticator) and the verification server (AM server).

  • Separator Widget

    Allows to separate several widgets on a feature.

  • Roles Widgets

    Allows to manage all functionalities about roles (assignment, request, dashboard, dimensions...).

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